Friday 3 February 2017


When democracy was first introduced we all felt our problem is solve and we are free from the military impunity not knowing that we have been promoted to another level of hard time and hardship. For over sixteen years now that democracy came into stay we haven't enjoy the dividend we are still learning like an infant learning how to crawl. When will we enjoy what we fought hard before achieving until we all die of hardship, we kept thriving, the result still remain the same.

The principal officers are busy pursuing their own self -attained benefits at expense of the masses, while the voice of the poor was fell enough for them not to heard. only god would rescue us from our inept leaders  and there mismanagement, If they can't fixed the economy for two years, four years will be insufficient for them to see us through the drab economy.

They are only good in papers plan, but in reality program  they are backward and inefficient. with all the resources at their disposal and their modern economists, they where unable to achieve the maximum optimization.

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