Thursday 26 January 2017


In contrast, Trump promised earlier to make the American-Muslim not to feel at home in united state of American and it environs. Barely a week he assume office, he has tore united state of American apart for both citizen and non citizen. even the so called christian will suffer from trump unfavourable policy. Since some the Christians survive through the Muslims.

United state of American was never built on a platform of a religious background, though is a christian populated country. In my previous article, i used Nigeria as a reference point that whom of the two existing religion Nigeria belongs to yet there is no reply. let trump stop seeing united state as a christian country alone cause he can't do away with the Muslims they are part and passel of united state of American.

When trump was an  infant maybe 4-5 years old, did he know anything about religion maybe he was from Muslim or christian background, know he didn't, so why he wants to create a religious tension and hate around all the globe. presumably, he should be focusing on social-economic and economic growth and development rather than on barricading borders against the Muslims and their allays.

The middle-east is far better than some of the European country, In the sense that anything you want find it there, Adventurous is what made most of the Arabs to travel for another country not that they don't feel at home in their country, so trump should take them for granted. Not withstanding we still a lot American citizens dispersed all over the world for a greener pasture. Expect only the war ravaged Muslims country will suffer trump harsh policy.

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