Friday 2 December 2016


Linda Ikeji  has re-itinerate her interest for a millionaire husband again, Two month ago she announced it publicly that any man that wants her hand in marriage most not worth less than or below five hundred million naira(500,000,000) to start with.This generate a lot of headache for the men around the globe,she is systematically tagging her suitors they most worth five hundred million. she also the listed her choice for exotic car not less than 10million naira worth, where are the men with that type of money, what will happen to this men if eventually the money finished, she will engage another wealthy men after and after till she dry them all. that is why marriage between the rich in Nigeria doesn't last for a moment it always end up in chaos, look at our celebrities the way they change husband like a prom dress, they don't even care about their background and where they came from, sometimes they also copy cat since mrs. labaja his not with her husband so why me is not a new thing.Linda Ikeja could have considered her age not wealth and she should remember that she was once a pauper before she become a wealthy woman, so now she painting the poor that they can't become even richer than her in a short run ces't la vie.

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